Barrhaven real estate market showing impressive gains

Housing Statistics for Barrhaven as of February 1st, 2018

In January of 2018, 51 residential properties sold in Barrhaven (not including private sales). 40 freehold homes sold, down 6.9% over the previous year, and 11 were condominium sales, up by 83.3% over 2017. The average price for a residential home, including condos in Barrhaven, is now $381,935, and that’s up 5.9% over January 2016.

When we look at the gains by property class, the average price for a Barrhaven house is now $422,973 – up by an impressive 12.6% over last year. The average price for a condominium in Barrhaven is now $232,709, down by 8.5%.

How much does it cost to buy a home in Barrhaven?

Average price and % change by housing category over the previous year.

Type of home Avg. Price % Change
Residential Townhome & Semi $348,428 13.1%
Detached Single Family $483,964 10%
Condominium Townhome $264,000 -%
Apartment or Stacked Condo $220,975 -13.1%

How long does it take to sell a home in Barrhaven?

Residential townhomes and semi-detached homes took an average of 21 days to sell, while detached homes took an average of 53 days to sell in January 2018. Condo townhomes took an average of 28 days to sell while apartments and stacked condos took an average of 76 days to sell.

How much did Sellers’ get as a % of their Asking Price

Sellers’ of townhomes and semi-detached units got 100.37% of their listed selling price. Detached homes sold for 98.76% of their listing price, on average. Sellers’ of condominium townhomes & semi-detached properties got 99.71% of their asking price. Apartments & stacked condominium sellers got 97.94% of their list price.

Highest & lowest priced sales last month in Barrhaven, as well as how long they took to sell

The lowest priced residential sale in Barrhaven was in the Longfields area – it sold for $300,000. The highest priced residential sale was in the Cedargrove/Fraserdale area – it sold for $692,000.

The lowest priced condominium sale in Barrhaven was in the Longfields area – it sold for $200,000. The highest priced condominium sale was in Barrhaven on the Green. It sold for $305,000.

Barrhaven – Historical Average House Prices

Below are the average Barrhaven residential home prices from 2000 until the present, including the % of increase or decrease over the previous year. This includes all homes and condominiums:

2000 $154,791
2001 $175,242 13.2%
2002 $202,245 15.2%
2003 $217,226 7.4%
2004 $232,210 6.9%
2005 $244,504 5.3%
2006 $255,241 4.4%
2007 $275,075 7.8%
2008 $293,606 6.7%
2009 $304,587 3.7%
2010 $338,231 9.7%
2011 $345,901 2.3%
2012 $353,596 2.2%
2013 $350,504 -0.9%
2014 $348,953 -0.4%
2015 $352,375 0.9%
2016 $362,870 3%
2017 $374,725 3.4

History of Condominium Prices in Barrhaven

Below are the average Barrhaven condominium prices from 2000 until the present.

2000 $90,543
2001 $111,000 22.6%
2002 $126,753 14.2%
2003 $142,283 12.3%
2004 $152,007 6.8%
2005 $154,326 1.5%
2006 $156,057 1.1%
2007 $162,285 4%
2008 $182,276  12.3%
2009 $190,358 4.4%
2010 $204,738 7.6%
2011 $216,160 5.6%
2012 $219,027 1.3%
2013 $219,857 0.4%
2014 $223,029 1.4%
2015 $218,189 -2.2%
2016 $217,908 -0.01%
2017 $223,169 2.4

We would like to thank Patrick Walchuk of local Real Estate firm of Agent in Ottawa for providing us with these sales statistics.

Barrhaven Real Estate

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