A great sporting activity for Barrhaven youth – Ultimate Frisbee
An Ultimate summer – Youth and Junior Frisbee Leagues in Ottawa
You may have seen people throwing a disc around in a field in the Stonebridge community in Barrhaven, or passing a Frisbee around in Ben Franklin Park and wondered, “Maybe my kids would enjoy that game!” While most parents are thinking about soccer sign-up for summer team sports, Ultimate Frisbee is another great option right in the area. Odds are good that you know someone who plays or has played, but did you know that kids as young as 8 years old can play too?

The sport of Ultimate, while often a past time in the minds of many, has been around since the 1970s and is gaining popularity quickly. The Ottawa Carleton Ultimate Association (OCUA) has one of the largest leagues in the world with 4500 members playing on over 300 teams year-round. In the summer and fall, the teams are out playing on various fields around the city, including the 19-field property owned by OCUA next door to Barrhaven in Manotick. In the winter and spring, the sport is indoors inside many of the domes.
Getting involved is easy. For the summer, OCUA Youth Ultimate League runs in four locations in Ottawa: in the west in Kanata, in the east in Orleans, centrally at Lynda Lane Park, and in the west/south at Ben Franklin Park. Each team has a group of volunteer coaches, generally those who currently play Ultimate, and are dedicated to teaching the youth in the Ottawa area about Ultimate.
The unique thing about Ultimate is that anyone can play it. The only equipment needed is a pair of cleats, and a Frisbee and you’re ready to play! In the clinics and during the summer Youth League, kids will learn how to throw, catch, offensive and defensive strategies, plus they will discover and grow their abilities to work as a team and develop strategy, all the while having fun in a relaxed environment. For parents, the added benefit, is a tired but happy child.
Give Ultimate a try in March! OCUA is running free youth Ultimate clinics for ages 8-13 on March 15 and March 22 from 2-4 at the Ben Franklin Dome at Hunt Club and Greenbank. It’s a great place to learn about the sport, make some new friends and even play a game.
If you’re interested in learning more about the game, please visit www.ocua.ca/summer_youth
Registration for the Free Clinics is on now, and Summer Youth Ultimate League opens February 25, so don’t miss out on the opportunity!!
See you on the fields!
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