New Year, New Smile! 5 Reasons to Consult an Orthodontist about Your Smile this New Year by Barrhaven Orthodontist, Dr. Jennifer Tan

Barrhaven Orthodontics PeriodonticsAs a new year begins, it is time for new starts and new experiences.

If you’ve been thinking of improving your smile, now is the perfect time of year to do something about it! Your smile is often the first thing someone notices about you.

A beautiful smile can really help you make a great first impression, whether you’re meeting a prospective boss, a new friend, or a potential suitor.

Here are 5 reasons to consult an orthodontist about your smile this year.

1. Boost your Self-Confidence

Have you had to hide your mouth behind your hand when talking, or take only tight-lipped photographs, out of embarrassment over crooked teeth? If you have only dreamed of having a beautiful smile, if can be yours! With a straighter and beautiful smile, you will feel so much more confident in all aspects of your life.

2. Improve your Oral Health

Crooked teeth or problems with your bite are more than just an aesthetic issue. They can cause difficulty eating, difficulty speaking, jaw pain, and can lead to overall bad oral hygiene. When your teeth are crowded, they can be hard to clean properly, leading to cavities and plaque build-up. This increases your risk of gum disease and other problems. Don’t risk future problems down the line by ignoring your crooked teeth!

3. Keep your Body Healthier

Jaw pain can lead to headaches, and gum disease has been known to increase your risk of several chronic diseases including heart disease and in controlling diabetes. Poor oral hygiene can affect so much more than just the appearance of your mouth. Did you know that snoring, earaches and stomach pains could also be related to dental problems? With a simple solution like braces, you can have a healthier mouth, and a healthier body as well.

4. Orthodontic Treatment can Improve Smiles for All Ages!

Don’t let your age prevent you from improving your smile! At Barrhaven Orthodontics & Periodontics, we recommend an orthodontic consultation as early as 7 years old, and we see patients of all ages. These days, people are living longer and are enjoying a better quality of life. They are getting orthodontic treatment at all ages to maintain a healthy smile and attractive appearance. You are never too old for orthodontic treatment!

5. Choose New Technologies

Advanced technology in orthodontics means that you have more options than ever before! In addition to traditional metal braces, you can choose clear ceramic braces, or clear plastic aligners, such as Invisalign. Invisalign aligners are clear plastic trays that are removable and easy and comfortable to wear. The aligners are barely noticeable when you smile and you can remove them when you eat or brush and floss your teeth. As long as you wear them for at least 22 hours each day, the treatment will be very effective. There are other orthodontic options like clear ceramic braces and 100% customizable braces and wires called Insignia. Whatever your preferences, there are a lot more options than there used to be in orthodontic care.

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This New Years, do something that will brighten your life in so many ways. Call us at Barrhaven Orthodontics and Periodontics for an evaluation on how to get the smile of your dreams!

For our patients already in orthodontic treatment, here are a few more ideas to include on your list of New Year’s resolutions.

Barrhaven Orthodontics PeriodonticsPractice Excellent Oral Hygiene Every Day

Whether you have braces or not, excellent oral hygiene is critical for a healthy mouth. When food and bacteria get trapped in your mouth, they can cause cavities, gingivitis, and tartar build-up. A minimum of 2 minutes of brushing twice a day and flossing once a day is recommended. Make sure to brush the outside surface near the lips and cheeks, the inside surface near the tongue, especially near the gumline, and the biting surface of the teeth.

Schedule your Dental Appointments

While you are in orthodontic treatment, it is very important to continue to see your general dentist and dental hygienist for check-ups and cleanings. We recommend seeing your dentist at least once every 6 months and in some cases, every three to four months.

Cut back on Sugar

Cutting back on sugar will not only help your teeth, but it can also improve your overall health. Sugar and bacteria in the mouth form acid, which eats away at tooth enamel, leading to decay. Surprisingly, there can be a large amount of sugar in “healthy” foods like flavoured yogurt, muffins, raisins, and juice. One easy substitute to cut back on sugar is to replace sugary drinks like pop and juice with water.

Wear your Retainers

Retainers are extremely important to maintain your smile once your orthodontic treatment is complete. As teeth can continue to shift over time, it is critical to wear your retainer as recommended by your orthodontist. If you have not worn your retainer in some time and think it may need some adjustment, feel free to contact us for an assessment.

Get your brace off on time!

Finish your treatment on time by following these simple instructions:

  • Wear your elastics as prescribed
  • Have excellent oral hygiene
  • Be careful of the foods you’re eating to avoid broken brackets or bent wires
  • Wear your aligners 22 hours a day
  • Keep all of your orthodontics appointments to keep your treatment on track

This New Year’s, follow the tips above to achieve your best smile possible!

Barrhaven Orthodontics Periodontics

Dr. Jennifer Tan is a board-certified specialist in Orthodontics. She has been practicing at Barrhaven Orthodontics & Periodontics for over 10 years and has changed thousands of smiles in Barrhaven and the surrounding communities. For more information, visit or call 613-482-0882 to schedule a consultation.

This post was sponsored by Barrhaven Orthodontics & Periodontics – we would like to thank them for supporting our community blog.